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Die KUPO Preisliste ist in folgende Bereiche aufgeteilt

  • Kupo Coupler & Clamps
  • Kupo Par Accessoires

  • Kupo Coupler & Clamps
    577300Kupo KCP-700BSuperb Clamp blackEURO32.83
    577310Kupo KS-005Verbindungsbolzen M10x25mm für Art.No.577300EURO4.02
    577312Kupo KS-7SDL SaddleSuper Clamp Adapter for mounting on plane surfaceEURO3.02
    577350Kupo KCP-831Half Coupler with M10x50mmEURO24.79
    577351Kupo KCP-830Small Half Coupler with M10x50mmEURO19.43
    577352Kupo KCP-832Swivel CouplerEURO52.26
    577354Kupo KCP-833Eye Ring Coupler with M12 ringEURO27.47
    577356Kupo KCP-837Scanner Coupler with M12 boltEURO52.93
    577358Kupo KCP-838Handcuff Clamp with M12 boltEURO38.86
    577370Kupo KCP-834Spigot 29mm with Half CoulplerEURO39.53
    577372Kupo KCP-835Spigot 29mm with Truss AdapterEURO88.44
    577374Kupo KS-034Spigot 28mm with M10 boltEURO14.07
    577376Kupo KS-030Spigot 28mm with M10 ThreadEURO23.45
    577378Kupo KS-080Follow Spot Spigot 28mm with M10 ThreadEURO52.26

    Kupo Par Accessoires
    577250Kupo ES-02Ceramic Socket GX16 for Par 56 / 64EURO3.69
    577252Kupo ES-02SC EMEPCeramic Socket GX16 with 72cm silicon cableEURO7.71
    577260Kupo Raylight Reflector Par64with mogul prongs GX16d / RF-64MEURO16.75
    577270Kupo Raylight Reflector Par56with mogul prongs GX16d / RF-56MEURO16.75

    Preise in CHF   Preise in USD

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