SHIVA TM (SV-200/250)

EASY TO USE FUNCTIONSBesides great effects, SHIVA has special functions to enhance user convenience. One function covers the transition between colors or gobos. Another activates an automatic program. Simply flip a function dip switch to get the option you want.
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DIP | OFF | ON#1 | Transitions Visible | Transitions Covered#2 | Color Mixes Possible | Single Colors Possible#3 | Exterior Control | Slow Motion Program#4 | Exterior Control | Self-Test Function#5 | X-Axis Left to Right | x-Axis Right to Left#6 | Y-Axis Low to High | Y-Axis High to Low#7 | Exterior Control | Focus Assistance#8 | Exterior Control | DMX Signal Termination|
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SERVICE DIP SWITCHService convenience dip switches have two functions:
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DIP | ON#1 | Motor power supply off while lamp is lit.#2 | Motor power on while lamp is not lit. | | |
DMX 512 CONTROLSHIVA is designed for use with standard USITT DMX512 controllers. Effect channel positions provide convenient DMX control as illustrated below.

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